CapMan’s shares are listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange in April 2001 as one of the first private equity companies to go public in the world. Read More

Technology boom

CapMan’s designated Technology team partners up with Alta Berkley Associates in 1997 to invest in European technology companies. CapMan is the first private equity investor to list technology companies on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Aldata goes public in 1999 and Satama Interactive in 2000. CapMan invests in Iobox in 1999… Read More

Fund-of-fund and mezzanine pioneer

1995 is an eventful year. CapMan forsees the appeal of fund-of-funds and is involved in the establishment of Access Capital Partners. Today, Access is a leading investor in European private equity funds. CapMan expands its operations into mezzanine, providing financing between equity and debt. Mezzanine enables several Finnish pension funds… Read More

Going East

CapMan’s Eastern European fund, Alliance ScanEast Fund L.P., was established in 1994. The fund has invested a total of USD 19 million in seven companies in Poland, the Baltic States and Russia. Read More

Management buyout

CapMan’s entrepreneurial partners and first employees CEO Ari Tolppanen, Vesa Vanha-Honko, Tuomo Raasio and Olli Liitola acquire CapMan’s entire equity. CapMan’s second fund is established in 1994 and attracts Finnish banks, insurance companies and foundations among its investors. Read More

First fund and investment

CapMan’s first fund, Finnventure I, is the second venture fund ever established in the Nordic countries. The fund raised a total of FIM 66 million (equivalent of approx. EUR 11 million) in 1990, which was a considerable amount at the time. The first investment is made in the Kuusamon tropiikki… Read More

A Nordic pioneer

Risk capital lands in Europe from the United States and there is a growing interest for unlisted companies also in Finland. CapMan is born out of the co-operation between Finnish banks KOP and Pohjola and Programator and focuses on the analysis of unlisted companies. The first employees are Tuomo… Read More