Share & Shareholders
CapMan is a publicly listed company and its share is trading on Nasdaq Helsinki since 2001. On these pages you can review information about CapMan’s share, its trading, historical dividend payments, largest shareholders and other things.
Total return & Dividend history
CapMan’s policy is to pay sustainable distributions to its shareholders that grow over time
See information about CapMan’s distribution and total return to shareholders here. Or familiarize yourself with CapMan’s historical dividend payments and distributions to shareholders here.

Performance share plan
CapMan aligns remuneration with sustainability agenda through a Performance Share Plan
The Board of Directors of CapMan Plc resolved in March 2022 to establish a new Performance Share Plan 2022-2025 (the “2022 Plan”) for CapMan Group management, as well as selected Group key employees.
DeBt infromation
Sustainability-linked bond
On 6 April 2022 CapMan announced the issuance of the first ever unsecured sustainability-linked notes in Finland in the aggregate principal amount of EUR 40 million. The notes will mature on 13 April 2027 and carry initially a fixed annual interest of 4.500 per cent.
CapMan Sustainability report 2022
CapMan Prospectus 2022

Who are CapMan’s investors?
Investors in CapMan’s funds are predominantly professional investors. Close to 300 Nordic and international institutional investors (e.g. pension funds and insurance companies) invest in CapMan’s funds.