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CapMan Plc has completed the acquisition of the Danish private equity company Nordic Private Equity Group (NPE). Plan for the acquisition was published in April 2001. In the transaction CapMan Plc acquired the entire share capitals of the Danish NPE and the Jersey based management company. The acquisition was carried out as a directed share issue of CapMan Plc to NPE’s three owners and key individuals. The purchase price including both companies amounted to 1,130,000 new CapMan B shares at a nominal value of EUR 0.01. As a result of the acquisition, the above-mentioned companies have today, on 28 September 2001 become wholly owned subsidiaries of CapMan Plc.

The increase of the share capital by EUR 11,300 will be notified for registration to the Trade Register without delay. The number of CapMan B shares after the increase of the share capital is 63,194,630 and the entire share capital including all share types is EUR 711,946.30. The trading of the new shares is estimated to commence on 2 October 2001 on the Helsinki Stock Exchange in parallel with the old shares.

Similar sales restrictions apply to the new shares as well as to the shares owned by the current key personnel. More information on sales restrictions can be found in CapMan Plc’s prospectus, which was published on 28 November 2000.

The acquisition of NPE is part of CapMan’s growth strategy and strengthens the company’s market position in the key business areas in mid-sized buy-outs and technology investments in the Nordic countries.

CapMan Plc

Anne Pirilä

Communications Manager

Tel. 358 9 6155 8322 or 358 40 568 0644