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Decisions adopted at the organising meeting of CapMan Plc Board of Directors


CapMan Plc Stock Exchange Release – 20 March 2013 at 3:15 pm EET

Decisions adopted at the organising meeting of CapMan Plc Board of Directors 

Heikki Westerlund was elected Chairman and Karri Kaitue Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Board of Directors’ organising meeting that took place today after the Annual General Meeting.

The Board of Directors established Audit, Remuneration and Nomination Committees from among its members as follows:

Audit Committee

– Karri Kaitue (Chairman)
– Nora Kerppola

Remuneration Committee

– Nora Kerppola (Chairman)
– Koen Dejonckheere
– Claes de Neergaard

Nomination Committee

– Heikki Westerlund (Chairman)
– Koen Dejonckheere
– Ari Tolppanen

Independence of the members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors assessed the independence of its members and concluded that Karri Kaitue, Nora Kerppola and Claes de Neergaard are independent of both the company and its significant shareholders. Koen Dejonckheere is independent of the company, but non-independent of its significant shareholders. Ari Tolppanen and Heikki Westerlund are non-independent of both the company and its significant shareholders.

CapMan Plc deviates from recommendation 29 of the Finnish Corporate Governance Code, which corresponds to the independence of the majority of the Nomination Committee members. Ari Tolppanen and Heikki Westerlund are non-independent of the company. The Board of Directors considers the Nomination Committee memberships of Messrs Tolppanen and Westerlund to be justified due to their significant ownership of the company’s stock. In addition, the Nomination Committee’s preparation process for the election of members of the Board of Directors includes consultation with the largest shareholders. The Board of Directors has decided, in accordance with recommendation 22, that due to the overall small size of the Board, the Audit Committee comprises two members.


Additional information:
Tiina Mikkola, Legal Counsel, tel. +358 207 207 532

Linda Tierala
Manager, Communications and IR

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Principal media


CapMan Group is one of the leading private equity firms in the Nordic countries and Russia, with assets under management of €3.1 billion. CapMan has five key investment partnerships – CapMan Buyout, CapMan Russia, CapMan Credit, CapMan Public Market, and CapMan Real Estate – each of which has its own dedicated investment team and funds. Altogether, CapMan employs 110 people in Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Moscow and Luxembourg. CapMan was established in 1989 and has been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since 2001.