CapMan Infra portfolio company Valokuitunen appoints Heikki Kaunisto as their new CEO
Heikki Kaunisto has been appointed as the CEO of Valokuitunen Oy starting 20.8.2021. Valokuitunen, a joint venture between CapMan Infra and Telia Company, plans to improve digital infrastructure across the nation by rolling-out fibre to as many as potentially 200,000 households.
“The rapid growth of transferrable data has put information networks to the test, as one connection has been shared not only by your family but the whole neighbourhood working from home. With Valokuitunens’ network you don’t have to share your connection with anyone else, it fits exactly the needs you size it for. Fibre guarantees functioning network connections also in the future, despite the continuous growth of data being transferred”, says Heikki Kannisto, newly appointed CEO at Valokuitunen.
“I think all homeowners would be wise to invest in fibre as it guarantees smooth network connections now and for decades to come. Fibre secures, for instance, distance working, use of smart appliances and even digitalizing the whole home. At Valokuitunen I work to enable as many Finns as possible to have a functioning network connection for work and free time use in their home”, Kaunisto continues.
Read more (in Finnish) in this press release from Valokuitunen.