CapMan press release
8 June 2022 at 12.00 EEST
CapMan has published its sustainability report for 2021/2022
CapMan has published its latest sustainability report, which covers our approach to the integration of environmental, social and governance factors in the investment process, setting of targets for CapMan Group and for our investments, and the progress in reaching those targets.
This past year, we have made significant advances in terms of updating processes for the integration of sustainability in decision-making, unified the collection of sustainability data to serve as a foundation for decision-making as well as continued to develop our approach to sustainable investing. We have also significantly increased and developed our internal resources and competence to make sure that our own company and our investments are ready for the requirements of tomorrow.
“As a private assets manager and investor, sustainability is about helping our portfolio become more sustainable. We strive to lead by example for the entire ecosystem consisting of our funds, their portfolio companies and assets as well as value chains. An example of this is committing to the Science Based Targets initiative. By setting science-based targets for CapMan, we aim to help portfolio companies set science-based targets of their own. It has been inspiring to witness the progress in how sustainability is considered throughout the decision-making progress at CapMan and with our stakeholders,” says Anna Olsson, ESG Director at CapMan.
The sustainability data reflects developments in 2021 while targets and processes have been established and updated during 2022. In 2021, select sustainability developments in our operations and portfolio and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that they promote are:
- SDG 5 Gender equality: 14% women on portfolio company board of directors, on average. (Target 2022: appoint max. 70% of any gender to the Board of Directors.)
- SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth: Employee satisfaction on average 4/5 or 35 eNPS and approx. 2,600 new jobs in total in portfolio companies. (Target 2022: employee satisfaction 3.5/5.)
- SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities: 15% of real estate gross area has a sustainability certification. (Target 2022: increase number of certified properties.)
- SDG 13 Climate action: Norled’s. Scope 1 GHG emissions reduced by 27% from 2019 levels. Norled is the portfolio company with the largest Scope 1–2 GHG emissions in CapMan’s portfolio, accounting for 44% of aggregate portfolio Scope 1-2 GHG emissions. Scope 1–2 GHG emissions were reported for all companies and assets and Scope 3 GHG emissions were reported for 77% of companies and 19% of real estate investments. (Target 2022: commit to Science Based Targets.)
Please read more about our work and progress in the report!
CapMan Sustainability Report 2021/2022
For more information, please contact:
Linda Tierala, Director, Communications & IR, CapMan Plc, +358 40 571 7895
About CapMan
CapMan is a leading Nordic private asset expert with an active approach to value creation. As one of the private equity pioneers in the Nordics we have built value in unlisted businesses, real estate, and infrastructure for over three decades. With over to €4.7 billion in assets under management, our objective is to provide attractive returns and innovative solutions to investors. We are dedicated to set science-based targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. We have a broad presence in the unlisted market through our local and specialised teams. Our investment strategies cover minority and majority investments in portfolio companies and real estate, and infrastructure assets. We also provide wealth management solutions. Our service business includes procurement and analysis, reporting and back office services. Altogether, CapMan employs approximately 180 professionals in Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, London and Luxembourg. We are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki since 2001. Read more at www.capman.com.