Management Group
On this page you will find information about CapMan’s management group and it’s members. The management group implements the decisions made by the Board and the CEO.

Pia Kåll

Heidi Sulin

Managing Partner, NATURAL CAPITAL

Mika Koskinen
Managing Partner, Wealth Services

Antti Kummu
Managing Partner, Growth

Mika Matikainen
Managing Partner, Real Estate

Anna Olsson
Head of Sustainability

Ville Poukka
Managing Partner, Infra

Mari Simula
Head of Fund Investor Relations

Antti Uusitalo
Managing Partner, Special Situations
The main tasks of the Management Group consist of:
(i) coordination of team strategy, fundraising, resources as well as coordination of marketing and brand
(ii) implementation of decisions by the Board and the CEO/Management Group
(iii) supporting decision-making through providing information and active participation
(iv) spreading information within the teams and implementing decisions as agreed in the Management Group
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
CapMan’s CEO is Pia Kåll (born 1980, M.Sc. (Eng.) since 15 March 2023.
The Board elects the company’s CEO. The terms and conditions of the CEO’s service are specified in writing in the CEO’s service contract, which is approved by the Board. The CEO manages and supervises the company’s business operations according to the Finnish Companies Act and in compliance with the instructions and authorisations issued by the Board. The CEO shall see to it that the accounts of the company are in compliance with the law and that its financial affairs have been arranged in a reliable manner. Generally, the CEO is independently responsible for the operational activities of the company and for day-to-day decisions on business activities and the implementation of these decisions. The CEO appoints the heads of business areas. The Board approves the recruitment of the CEO’s immediate subordinates. The CEO cannot be elected as Chairman of the Board.