Investing into energy efficient shopping

With approximately 7 million annual visitors, Heron City is one of the largest commercial properties in Stockholm. The shopping centre’s gym opens in the early hours of the morning, and its cinema as well as restaurants stay open beyond midnight. Meaning that Heron’s facilities are closed for roughly 5-6 hours… Read More

Delivering sustainability into Nordic bathrooms

Opportunities and risks related to sustainability in INR’s operations and value chain have been an essential part of the company’s value creation agenda these past years. The most material concerns are the environment and human rights, social and employee matters, anti-corruption and bribery considerations, as well the overall governance of… Read More

A preferred partner

This is how CapMan was portrayed in 1990. Although “development capital” is hardly used anymore, many of the attributes are still valid. We strive to be a “preferred partner” and look for “growth-oriented” businesses. Read More

Fund structures anno 1994

Our complex fund structures have been newsworthy since the beginning. Helsingin Sanomat published this chart in conjunction with an article dated 22 April 1994 on the establishment of ScanEast Alliance, a joint venture between CapMan and US-based Alliance Capital Management. Note the caption that states that the fund administration is… Read More

Once upon a time

These are the makings of a 1990s dream team! In the very beginning, this is what CapMan looked like. The hair was bigger and the ties wider, but the spirit has remained the same!… Read More

CapMan raised €100,000 for underprivileged youth in 2018

In 2018, CapMan’s procurement service CaPS has, together with its member companies and partners, raised more than €100,000 for the Tukikummit Foundation, which gathers funds for young people in danger of being socially excluded. On 20 December 2018, CapMan handed over the donation in person to the President of the… Read More

CapMan Capital Markets Day 2018

Thank you for joining CapMan’s Capital Markets Day 2018! CapMan hosted its Capital Markets Day for institutional investors and analysts in Helsinki on 28 November 2018. Participants had the opportunity to discuss with CapMan’s senior management regarding CapMan’s strategy, business areas, results and growth. Did you miss it? Want to… Read More

Digital workforce and the leadership tsunami (in Finnish)

Monessa kahvipöytäkeskustelussa on pohdittu sitä, miksi Nokian hallituksen puheenjohtaja Risto Siilasmaa kirjoitti kirjan Paranoidi optimisti huolimatta siitä, että Nokian menestystä, tuhoa ja uudelleen nousua on monien mielestä käsitelty jo lähes kyllästymiseen asti. Luulen ymmärtäväni miksi kirja haluttiin julkaista. Siilasmaa halusi kertoa johtajuuden muuttumisesta ja kertoa oman näkemyksensä siitä, kuinka tänä… Read More