The documents related to the closing of the accounts (the financial
statement and the annual report) and the proposal of the Board of
Directors for authorisation to increase the share capital, authorisation
to acquire and transfer the company’s own shares, amending of the
conditions of the warranty scheme 2000, granting warrants (warrant scheme
2003) and decreasing the share capital as well as appendices together with
the Company’s auditors statement regarding the specifications for defining
the subscription price and justification to deviate from the shareholders’
pre-emptive right to subscription as well as the specifications for the
acquisition prise for shares and the purpose and the manner for acquiring
shares, granting warrants as well as decreasing share capital are
available for review from March 31, 2003 at the Company’s head office in
Korkeavuorenkatu 32, 00130 Helsinki. Shareholders will be sent a copy of
the documentation upon request.
We apologise for the mistake.
Jerome Bouix
Director of Investor Relations and Communications
Helsinki Exchanges
Principal media